It's been a bizarre month. Some pitfalls, some joys, but overall, the only thought consistently running through
my head is: "You made it!" and I continue to think it every day. I got the job and I'm on my way to a rewarding career. And there was a time, after all the countless interviews (where I spent a good majority being a professional bullshit artist) and the disappointment and the heartache waiting for the phone to ring, that I felt like giving up, but I didn't, because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, the moment I stopped saying yes to new opportunities was gonna be the moment I stopped truly living.
Patience, hope, faith and trust in something bigger than your own self doubt is seriously powerful and along with letting go of your fear of the unknown, it's having the courage to say YES even if something doesn't work out. Even if you get rejected. Even if you're scared out of your wits. Even if your heart seems incapable of opening once more.
It's freeing...liberating and strangely comforting knowing that in order to really live, we need to take steps toward the unknown. Even if they are only baby steps.
The best advice I ever heard was, "Do at least one thing a day, that scares you."
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