Saturday, March 1, 2014

Melbourne, Goodbyes & Pikachu Onesies

I know. It's embarrassing how long I've been MIA for.
A whole two months.

In these two months, so much has happened. I managed to get really ill and had to defer college for a semester so I decided I needed to escape my little, old town and fly off to Melbourne for a week, just to breathe in a different kind of air.

Melbourne for the beautiful.
Revisiting the city again after a whole two years filled with me lost nostalgia.

It's bristling with these massive apartment blocks and skyscrapers and highways that never seem to end.
The city is stunningly busy and walking around is like stepping into a catalogue for the Aussie version of the upper east side.

Everyone is super friendly and super busy and super designer and everywhere you go, the atmosphere is filled with this busy enthusiasm and passion for...LIFE!

I had so much fun and learned so much about myself in the short time I was there, living with loved ones, staying up too late, exploring the city and driving down dark freeways at night, the wind caught in my hair, the music up loud, the memories etched in the stars.

Most importantly, I learned that, even in a city as busy as Melbourne, anywhere can be the loneliest place in the world if you have no one.

 It was really hard saying goodbye.

And on that note, I'll leave ya'll with the last photo I took before I left, inspired by a few too many Johnny Walkers and someone who will always hold a special place in my heart... ;)

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