Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I Want To See You Be Brave: Three Ways To Cope With Invisible Illness

Copyright: Glynn Jackson Photography

A customer said to me last week,  “Why are you limping today?” and then on the same breath, followed with “Fell over and had a big weekend, did you?”

I replied with “Long story” and walked away, but the truth is…I happen to have a broken hip. 

And no, not through some crazy sexcapade that happened at Coachella either.   I can usually conceal it quite easily as I’m on my feet all day anyway but on this particular occasion, eight hours of standing was taking its toll and my body was complaining.  Yes, the otherwise normal, petite, pretty looking girl was walking somewhat abnormally as she made a quick dash for the bathroom.

It gets tiring, having to tell the same story over and over to people who look at you with a blank expression and say "But you're too pretty, too young, too normal to be sick."  and when I consider the amount of strangers I must pass in the street, suffering MS, depression, chronic fatigue, cancer and other things that can be hidden behind a brave smile and a strong willpower, it’s an easy consolation.


Speak Up

No one can help you, unless they know what’s wrong.  This doesn’t mean carrying around a proverbial cross, it just means having the freedom to express when you’re struggling to get through the day.  Whether this means asking your boss for a time out, having a vent to a friend or being honest about your capabilities, you should remind yourself that, there’s no shame in being human.


Mum’s The Word

On the same token, you should never feel the need to explain yourself unnecessarily.  If someone asks you a question that you find unnecessarily nosy or inappropriate, you’re doing your integrity a disservice by answering it.   Unfortunately that old adage “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back” is especially pertinent for our generation, nevertheless, when it comes to your private affairs (illness being one of them), silence is key.


Know Your Limits

Yes, reaching for the sky is all very well and pushing yourself to achieve your goals, but what about when you’re faced with the kind of limitations that only get worse when you strive the hardest? The body isn’t bulletproof unfortunately and as it’s the only one we have, sometimes it’s not a matter of willpower, it’s a matter of nurturing yourself. 

Keep hydrated, eat regular meals and don’t tell yourself that you can function on three hours sleep, if you physically can’t. 

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